Logo GoAfrica


2 Yinusa Adeniji St - Allen
Lagos State
Ikeja - 100271 - Nigéria
MyMedicalBank is a digital platform that enables patients/Clients and their relatives to find and book verified healthcare professionals who are available to provide healthcare services in the Clients home or workplace.

Nos horaires d'ouverture

Fermé - Ouvre demain à 00:00
Lundi 00H00 — 00H00
Mardi 00H00 — 00H00
Mercredi 00H00 — 00H00
Jeudi 00H00 — 00H00
Vendredi 00H00 — 00H00
Samedi 00H00 — 00H00
Dimanche 00H00 — 00H00

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