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The Energy Domain, the core of Groupe Nkah Engineering

Studies, supplies and installation of autonomous ,well adapted and personalised solaire Systems, as well as transformation of industrial energy.

Distribution of Solar energy Equipment and accessoires

Inverters, solar charge regulators, batteries, panels (photovoltaic and thermal) as well as solar street lamps, solar pomping system, household electronics that use DC : solar fans and refridgerators or freezers, solar TV, ETC …

Some of Our Installations:

  • Installation of 409 street lamps on the yaounde-Soa road 2013
  • Construction of numerous solar pumping systems in various locations in Cameroon,
  • Installation of autonomous solar system, Telecom site –CAMTEL 2014
  • Installation of autonomous solar lighting system for delegation of Public Works Akonolinga
  • Installation of solar stations in 166 localities in Cameroon Huawei & MINEE (ongoing)

1 note et 1 avis d'utilisateur

Christian bernard Bindoh bayik
c'est dans un esprit d'équipe et de savoir faire que les installations électriques se sentiront toujours en sécurité

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1 note et 1 avis d'utilisateur